If you think now is a good time for you to cycle or walk to work in the West Midlands here are some links and tips. Both are a great ways to keep fit and be kinder to the planet.
Cycling, walking and public transport
There is a network of safe cycle routes in the region - to find the ones near you use SUSTRANS National Cycle Network mapping service. These are the West Midlands Routes.
West Midlands Police blog about safe cycling.
Cycling the UK has a forum for the West Midlands including links to clubs and enthusiasts across the region, including Dudley, Wolverhampton, the Joyful Bellas and Fellas of Solihull and many more.
Google maps will tell you how long it will take you walk. When you set directions from one place to another there is a walking figure you choose.
To get the train, tram or bus instead: use the Network West Midlands Journey Planner to find out the best public transport routes. There's also information on taking your bike on public transport.
If you don't have a bike there are some sources to help you
Cycle Scheme is a way to work with your employer: "an employee benefit that saves you 25-39% on a bike and accessories (or even more with our offers). You pay nothing upfront and the payments are taken tax efficiently from your salary by your employer."
Some cities provide some bikes for free. The Big Birmingham Bike scheme is now closed but ask your local council if they have a similar plan.
You can also campaign for greener transport options
Sign up to Friends of the Earth Clean Air Campaign and consider their actions for improving air quality in the UK
Email TfWM, the transport arm of the West Midlands Combined Authority, and demand the new Movement for Growth, Delivery Plan for Transport 2026 focuses on investing in a rapid and massive shift towards low carbon, affordable public transport. Email: DeliveryPlan@tfwm.org.uk.
Get involved with us.
To find out more about taking positive climate action on transport: Come along to the CANWM Low Carbon Transport Workshop on February 28th, 5pm-7:30pm at the John Lewis Community Hub, Birmingham B2 4AU - its right above New Street Station in the heart of Birmingham. Click here to book your place at the event via Eventbrite.